Equipment available on the QPCR platform


The platform has all the equipment and software necessary to carry out the different stages of your quantitative PCR project, from the conception and design of the probes to the analysis of the data of the QPCR results.

Different QPCR devices are available to adapt to project needs depending on the number of samples and the number of target genes of interest for each project.

The two main techniques of QPCR, in SybrGreen or TaqMan probes, can be proposed to you for the realization of your project.

Quantitative PCR Plateform

Responsable : Eric Jacquet (01 69 82 46 24)
Ingénieur Plateforme : Naima.Nhiri


This grinder (Bertin) allows the extraction of RNA/DNA from human, animal, plant and microorganism tissues. 24 samples can be ground simultaneously in single-use tubes. This grinder is equipped with the Cryolys option to control the temperature of the samples during their preparation.



This spectrophotometer (Thermofisher) allows rapid quantification of nucleic acid samples using very low volumes of 1-2 µl. This new model, making it possible to obtain quantitative and qualitative information from the samples, is being acquired on the platform.



The Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent) performs capillary electrophoresis on microfluidic chips of RNA and DNA samples. The software assigns an RIN score which indicates the quality of the samples. This control is essential for the successful completion of quantitative PCR projects.



This quantitative PCR device is equipped for projects in 96 and 384 microplate format but it also allows projects to be carried out using TaqMan Array Card (Thermofisher) microfluidic cards. The introduction of the plates is automated by the loading robot which allows a throughput of approximately 5000 QPCR per day.


The Qiacube (Qiagen) is an automated system allowing column purification of RNA and DNA samples used for quantitative PCR projects on the platform. Different protocols are available depending on the nature of the samples.



The Qubit (Thermofisher) is a fluorimeter allowing a specific and sensitive assay of the different nucleic acids purified and used for quantitative PCR projects.




The epMotion 5075 robot (Epppendotf) is a pipetting robot used on the platform for all sample handling steps and preparation of quantitative PCR plates in 96 and 384 format.



The platform has two StepOnePlus (Thermofisher) for carrying out QPCR projects in 96 microplate format. These devices are also used to optimize primer pairs for projects developed in SybrGreen.



The platform is equipped with a QuantStudio 12K Flex QPCR device (Thermofisher) equipped with an Open Array block and its Accufill loading robot. This device can process high-throughput projects with a capacity of 12,000 reactions per 2 hour run in a reaction volume of 10 to 33 nl.