The services offered by the ICSN’s molecular modelling department are as follows:

Modelling of organic compounds

  • conformational analysis of organic molecules
  • study of reaction mechanisms
    • calculation of physical properties (charges, molecular orbitals, steric effects)
    • calculation of transition states to explain the stereoselectivity of the reaction
  • simulation of circular dichroism (ECD) and NMR spectra using quantum methods

Modelling of biomolecules

  • study of protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions (‘drug design’)
    • creation of models by homology or with the AlphaFold tool
    • protein-ligand and protein-protein docking, virtual screening
    • molecular dynamics
    • generation of targeted ligand libraries
  • structure-activity relationships (pharmacophore)

Don’t hesitate to come and see us and discuss your projects. You can find us on level 3, rooms 309-311.

Manager : Bogdan Iorga (01 69 82 30 94)

Platform engineer : Hristo Nedev (01 69 82 45 79)