Chemical Library Members

Sandra Beaupierre is a CNRS research engineer in organic synthesis.

Catherine Guillou was born in Paris in 1964. She studied Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry at Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris VI). She received her PhD in Organic Chemistry from the University of Paris Sud (Orsay) under the supervision of Pierre Potier and C. Thal in 1991. After a post-doctoral training with C. Mioskovski and J.P. Lellouche (CEA, Saclay), she was appointed CNRS researcher at the Institute de Chimie des Substances Naturelles in Gif-sur-Yvette in 1993. She was promoted Research Director DR2 in 2004 and DR1 in 2018. Her research focuses on the development of new methodologies, their applications to total synthesis, biological studies of natural products and the design of enzyme inhibitors involved in cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.