X. Guinchard

Our group is interested in several aspects of Au(I) catalysis. A large part of our interestes are directed at enantioselective Au(I) catalysis, in particular with the ligand design and the development of the Tethered Counterion-Directed Catalysis, a new strategy that founds on the ACDC approach. We also have interests in the elucidation of complex mechanisms and understandings of the enantioinduction processes. Finally, we are also undergoing projects in combining several catalysis modes, such as Biocatalysis with Au(I) catalysis or Organocatalysis with Au(I) catalysis.

  • 2021 : CNRS Research Director at ICSN – Université Paris-Saclay
  • 2015 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR)
  • 2009 – present : CNRS research associate at ICSN – Université Paris-Saclay
  • 2007 – 2009 : Post-doctoral Fellow at ICSN (Dr Emmanuel Roulland)
  • 2006 – 2007 : Post-doctoral Fellow at Imperial College London (with Pr Tony Barrett)
  • 2003 – 2006 : Ph.D. student at the Department of Molecular Chemistry (Grenoble, France, Dr Jean-Noël Denis)

Invited Lectures at Research Institutions or Research Conferences

Huaqiao University (22/11/2023, Xiamen, China)

Xiamen University (21/11/2023, Xiamen, China)

University of Science and Technology of China (20/11/2023, Hefei, China)

Fudan University (17/11/2023, Shanghai, China)

Shanghai Institute or Organic Chemistry (16/11/2023, Shanghai, China)

ICPC24 (12-15/11/2023, Ningbo, China)

GDR Or Nano (25-27/10/2023, Strasbourg)

ICN (24/03/2022, Nice, France)

LIT (18/12/2021, Strasbourg, France)

DCM (25/11/2021, Grenoble, France)

LIMA, e-seminar (6/05/2020, Strasbourg, France)

Nottingham University (5/03/2020, Nottingham, UK)

Seoul National University (20/11/2019, Seoul, South Korea)

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (22/11/2019, Daejeon, South Korea)

Nagoya University (18/11/2019, Nagoya, Japan)

Kyoto University (14/11/2019, Kyoto, Japan)

Kyoto University (15/11/2019, Kyoto, Japan)

The University of Tokyo (13/11/2019, Tokyo, Japan)

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (12/11/2019, Tokyo, Japan)

Gakushuin University (11/11/2019, Tokyo, Japan)

Queen’s Mary University (23/10/2019, London, UK)

Cergy University (03/12/2019, Cergy, France)

Journées de Catalyse Paris-Saclay 2018 (05/04/2018, Gif sur Yvette, France)

ICBMS (29/06/2018, Lyon, France)

Journées de Printemps de la DCO (SCF) (27/03/2018, Paris, France)

LCMT (12/01/2018, Caen, France)

Milan University (14/11/2018, Milano, Italy)

Bologna University (15/11/2018, Bologna, Italy

Parma University (16/11/2018, Parma, Italy)

COBRA (11/12/2017, Rouen, France)

Darzens and Fremy Lectures (17/10/2016, Polytechnique, France)

BIOCIS (3/11/2016, Chatenay-Malabry, France)

ILV (22/03/2016, Versailles, France)

Journées DCO de la SCF (8/12/2015, Paris, France)

ICPC 2014 (Juin 2014, Dublin, Ireland)



Oral Communications

GECO62 (août 2022, Carry le Rouet)

GECO60 (août 2019, Obernai)

Gold 2018 (15-18 juillet 2018, Paris) 

GECO59 (août 2018, Cabourg)

GECO58 (août 2017, Dinard)

GECO 57 (août 2016, Ascain)

RCOM 9 (8-9/06/2016, Marseille)

ISysyCat 2015 (septembre 2015, Evora, Portugal).

GECO 54 (août 2013, Le Croisic, France).

JACC 2012 (octobre 2012, Dinard, France).

GECO 53 (août 2012, Sevrier, France).

GECO 51, (août 2010, La Grande Motte, France).

SCF : Vice-President of the Organic Chemistry Division of the French Chemical Society

Charm3at LabEx : Member of the « Pôle Formation” – Member of the LabEx website committee

Co-organization of the “Ecole de Catalyse Charm3at 2015” (Valencay, France) and the “Ecole de Catalyse Charm3at 2017”, the “GECOM-CONCOORD 2017” and the “ICSN Symposium 2017”.

ICSN : Head of the “bibliographic seminars committee” (up to 2019) – Member of the ICSN web committee. Member of the conferences organizing committee (up to 2018).

Teaching: About 80 hours per year of organic chemistry at the IUT of Paris-Saclay University.

Jean-Pierre Sauvage Award 2017 from the French Chemical Society (Organic Chemistry Division).

Recipient of the Emergence@International 2019 program of the Chemistry Institute of the CNRS.

Recipient of the Discover China 2020 Program from the French Embassy in China.

Young Investigator Award at the International Phosphorus Chemistry (November 2023, Ningbo, China)

CNRS Research Director (DR)
(ORCID, ResearchGate)


1, avenue de la Terrasse

91190 Gif-sur-Yvette France


+33 1 69 82 45 82